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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Weekly Weigh-in

This week I have gained 1 lb (0.5 Kg) with my % body fat reducing by 0.5%.

This week I have had some increased food intake but with starting to increase my training hours again. This will now increase as I have got a race entry accepted for a race a few months away, so I will need to step up my running training.

Monday, July 28, 2008

5km Run

At the weekend I did a 5km run which was 9 seconds slower than a few weeks ago and I was not beaten by any children this time (none there). However the conditions were warmer and humid, plus I had cycled the few miles there.

It was a good run and I will be doing it again in a few weeks. I am not doing it consecutive weeks as you are less likely to see any training affects in that short time period.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weekly Weigh-in

This week I have gained 1/2 lb (0.25 Kg) with my % body fat remaining the same.

I was a bit surprised about this as I did have a bit of part food over the weekend and not much training. Although I did do a bit more walking than normal.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Weigh In

Over the last 3 weeks I have lost 1 lb (0.5 Kg) and gone down 0.5% of body fat.

This is quite surprising as I have done little exercise but mainted my food intake and possibly increased due to a number of cakes.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Injured myself at home

This week I have done no training due to injuring myself (not seriously) around the home.

Firstly I whacked my foot into the bed and some how cut by little toe. Doesn't sound to bad but when you realise it used for balance it gave me a bit of a limp for a few days.
Then a day or so later I must have slept on my side or something as my shoulder was hurting then for the next few days.

Both are now feeling a lot better and I may start doing some exercise in the next few days.

5km Time Trial Run

I did a 5km time trial last weekend which I was glad I made it round. Although I only just beat a 10 year old!! Two other kids did beat me but I did it in 24 minutes just 2 weeks after IM France.

This was the first event at this venue and I will be doing a few more there and I may even cycle there!!!

They are free events that take part round the country, more info found at

Not logging sessions for a while

I have decided to not log the sessions that I am doing for the next few months until I either start marathon training and/or Ironman training.

The idea being that I go out and just enjoy it and do the session based on how I feel.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

IM Nice 2008 Videos

Included below are some links to videos on YouTube of the Ironman France - Nice 2008 that some people have uploaded. There are also a few other videos in the related video section for these links.

IM Nice Part 1

IM Nice Part 2

Weekly Weigh-in

This week I have lost 1/4 lb (0.12 Kg) with my % body fat increased by 1.5%.

I can understand the % body fat increase due to the amount of unhealthy food eaten over the week and the lack of exercise. However I am not sure how I lost some weight, I was expecting an increase of at least 3 lb (1.4 Kg).