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Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Marathon PB

I am back from a few days away where I completed the Marathon in 3 hours and 49 minutes. This is 6 minutes quicker than my PB I had set last year.

I felt the race was more relaxed for me this year despite aiming to improve my time. I was chatting to a few runners as I went around the course. From about the 14 miles my legs seemed to be heavier than normal but I was able to keep fairly close to my target pace. In the last half a mile I picked up the pace a bit quicker about 2 minutes/mile faster. I am not sure if this was due to the bigger crowds at this point or I was nearly finished (both the course and my energy/muscles). After finishing I was so pleased with my time and out of breath from the faster section at the end I forgot to stop my watch until a number of minutes afterwards.

My legs are not that sore now, only sudden movements give a slight pain. I will have a few more days of exercising but should start some easy pace running next week.

Bring on my next target Ironman UK in August 2007.

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