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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A lot of exercise on Saturday

On Saturday I did just the 4 1/2 hours of exercise, this included cycling to and from events.

I first cycled to a 5km Parkrun which I did at a comfortable pace until the last lap when I picked up the pace a bit.

I then did a bit of cycling to Overton before a race. The 2 1/2 hours of cycling was undulating with a supring hill at the furtherest point, it was a 14% incline which I was only doing 3 mph up the slope. I was glad I finally made it to the race venue after a detour to the local cake shop!!

The race was a undulating/hilly 5 mile race made up of 2 laps, there was also a 2 1/2 mile fun run and some children's races so there was a good atmosphere. It was strange to do a race that started on a Saturday afternoon and it was even becoming warm (21c). I decided to go off fast and see how long I could mange the pace. This meant due to the amount of people I was going up along the embankment for the first section of uphill and downhill. By the time I got to the second incline in the first mile I had already felt I was starting to struggle a bit but tried to maintain the pace. When I got half way round it was downhill for a while and then there was more crowd to cheers us on. Then the second lap start but I knew what was coming which did not help. For the last half a mile I picked up my pace and was overtaking a few people although I did get overtaking in the last few strides of the race. However I did manage it in 38 minutes (7:30 min/mile pace) which was a bit of a pleasent shock. We also got a glass for finishing whic made a difference from the usual t-shirt and/or mdeal.

Overton 5 Mile Glass

All that was left was a 11 mile cycle back including a step hill in the first 1/4 mile, I made it back at a slower than normal pace. After rehydrating a bit I the headed out for some chips and other such health food to replace the sodium lost :-)

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