On Monday morning I did a cycle at just before 7am. This was a good practice ride before Ironman which was also my last ride before then.
I had adjusted the cycle computer so it did not hit the handlebar stem next to the aerobar. The only problem was I did not reseat it correctly so was getting no reading for the first few minutes, after this it was ok.
At this time of the morning the sun was fairly low which made riding on the road a bit tricky in places. Luckily the Ironman cycle course is mainly a north/south ride with only a few minutes at the outbound section that would be facing the sunlight. However by the time I will first get their, the sun should be a lot higher than this so it should not be a problem.
However it may an issue on the swim which is two laps with the first part facing the direction of the sun. Although I have swam in conditions like that but it should be a bit easier by following all the splashes that will be going on with 1,500 people taking part.
The cycle was also cold despite the sun being out and was only 13c (55F) so it was fairly chilly when adding the windchill as well. I may wear some additional layers on the first lap of the cycle to warm myself up after the swim.
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